Saturday, March 29, 2008

LuLu and Aaron P.

I wanted to post this photo (it is one of my favorites) of Melissa and Aaron Padilla. Aaron passed four years ago in a motorcycle accident. He was such a great guy, with a fantastic smile. He loved our LuLu so much and was very supportive of her Ballet Career, even though he knew it meant her leaving Salt Lake and heading to Vegas. I wanted to post this photo because it has been a rough couple of days for her, and I was touched by all of the nice comments friends and families have left for Melissa on her blog. Thank you so much... friends and family mean the world to us. Those of you who know our family... know that when we love someone... we really love them..and we do all we can to show them that; and when they leave us it breaks our hearts. This photo touches me by the love and happiness their faces show. I was able to visit with Aaron's mom last Saturday, and she had tears in her eyes when she expressed her love and concern for LuLu.


This is a photo of LIQUID JOES BAR. This is where it all began about eight years ago. The sign says "GONE FISHING" when in reality the bar was shut down when our family and the families of Christopher Osequera and Casey Dugdale sued the bar for allowing a man to visibly become over intoxicated and killing Casey and Chris and changing my son's life forever. I cannot believe that anyone who knows of the circumstances that were created here would pay patronage to this place. But then again...nothing shocks me anymore..


Found this sign posted on someone's My Space Account..and I thought it was pretty hurtful. Aaron saw it and it made him sad, mad, upset...Aaron... I know that this kind of stuff has upset you.. but just remember this.. "SOMETIMES A BREAKUP IS LIKE A BROKEN MIRROR; IT IS BETTER TO LEAVE IT ALONE THEN TO HURT YOURSELF TRYING TO PUT IT BACK TOGETHER" Hang in there Aaron, things will get better..I know your heart is broken and hurtful things like this don't help..I know you miss her (the two of them) and I know you loved them both..but I pray it will get easier as time goes on and that you will believe in yourself again. Remember there is a higher power that knows of your pain, and only He can make things right. He knows what is best for you.


This sweet baby girl is Harriett. She is a Chinese Crested Puppy. She is Ayana's new puppy. She is very sweet, sits up and begs, loves cute outfits and diamond collars..and is very UGLY.. *(you don't have to be drunk to realize that..refering to yesterday's post) A beautiful young gal in Provo gave her to Ayana today. She is a purbred.. and she will be bred in two months and hopefully will have a liter of ugly, naked Chinese Crested dogs. Harriett has the most darling personality. I will try to get full figure shots tomorrow.. Congrats Ayana..

Friday, March 28, 2008

Adrienne and Harriett

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Never Question a Drunk Guy

I was shopping at the local grocery store where I selected:

One Gallon of 2% milk, a carton of eggs, a quart of orange juice, a head of my favorite lettuce, a six pack of diet coke, and a pound of bacon. As I was unloading my items onto the conveyor belt to check out, a drunk, standing in line behind me, watched as I placed the items in front of the cashier. While the cashier was ringing up the items, he says to me "You must be single."..I was a bit started by this remark, but I was intrigued by the drunk's statement. I looked at my items he had taken such an interest in and was curious why he came up with the "single statement". I did not understand what was so unusual about my selections that could have indicated to him that I might be single. Curiosity got the best of me and I said: "well, how did you assume I was single by my purchases...He said ... "oh, it wasn't your purchases" .. I asked what was it then... He replied... "cause your UGLY!" so.... never ask a Drunk!


This morning I went with Heather to the doctors. Kingston had an appointment to be circumcised. When we got there, the doctor invited all of us to stay in the room; which included me, Heather, Ayana, Zeke and Kingston. I asked the doctor if this was what it felt like to go to a "BRIS"... she laughed and asked me if I knew any Jewish words. Couldn't help her there; but I can tell you that the tools of the trade looked "scary."


Kingston is strapped down and sedated. This was when I left the room.


This has been a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. (some days are like that)


Ayana and Zeke went along to with us to the circumcision. Not much sympathy here....

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


As many of you know, I love Birds. Previously to Harley, I owned a beautiful, talkative, Red Bellied Parrot. I named him 'LUCKY".. Melissa's cat ABU proved to me that I did not name him well, as he killed him late summer when Melissa came to visit. Lucky's favorite words were ' HOLY CRAP'. The photo shows Aaron digging the grave out back by the big pine tree and Lydia and Mikayla placing flowers on the grave. Aaron made me a marker and I place a flower on Lucky's grave every now and then when I go out to feed the doves. Melissa felt very bad about it. We still love ABU.


Baby Kingston is one week old today. He is so cute! He has the biggest brown eyes, and the most beautiful skin; and a little pointed chin. Heather says he is a really good baby, never crys; just whimpers. Jesse is out of town for five days and it is SPRING BREAK for Ayana and Mikayla; so Heather has Ayana, Zeke and Kingston and Audrey's little girl Mikayla by herself. She is doing a fantastic job, and I am proud of her. Isn't the baby just so cute?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


OH, how sad it is! My newphew Rodney in Winston Salem sent me this photo. I thought it was so resembled my current state of financial affairs. You may be laughing right now, but as my good friend SHAYNEH would say..... ' IT'S TRUE ! "


As I mentioned yesterday, Holidays are sentimental times for me. Easter was no exception yesterday. I did alot of thinking about my mom and sisters as I made the Easter preparations that my mother had always made for us. So tonight, as I was browsing through photos, I found this photo of my mother and my sisters Paula and Linda and I at BINGO. We always had such fun at BINGO.. lots of laughs...My mom passed a few years ago and I am planning a trip to Virginia to visit with my sisters this August. I can't wait to see them. However, I am going on a diet so they won't think I am so fat!


Sunday, March 23, 2008


My two boys....Zach and Aaron; both outside watching the little kids do their Easter Egg Hunt. It was a beautiful Day and the kids got lots of eggs filled with prizes and money. I love both of my sons and am so proud of them.


This year for Easter, Melissa will be staying in Las Vegas. We already miss her. No one runs like she does in the Easter Egg hunt. It was sad not having her home for Easter. We love and miss you LuLu.
The Easter Menu included all of the dishes I watched my mother make for our Easter dinners for years... Ham, homemade baked beans, her yummy potato salad, and ofcourse purple pickled eggs..yum! My mother was absolutely the best cook ever.

THE LITTLE GIRL'S missing there too!

The litle girls had their own Easter Table to sit at. Your looking at Lydia, Ayana, Evelyn, Emmy and Mikayla. They are all such "girly girls." I love them~! Little Trynity was missing from this grandaughter's table, however I did get a chance to speak with her on the telephone to tell her Happy Easter. She kept asking me .. "Where are you?" She also wanted to talk to her Daddy. Aaron got to spend a couple of minutes with her on the telephone. I think it was a hard day for Aaron.


Jesse, Paul, Zach, Aaron, and Brett enjoying a "congratulatory cigar" in celebration of the new baby. I thought this photo was pretty funny. By the way..the cigars are chocolate!

A New Face at Our Family Table

This is Baby Kingston's first Easter with this crazy family. We all got a chance to kiss and cuddle him. Audrey got the comb and a squirt bottle and gave him this cute mohawk. Can you believe...Audrey can cook and do hair....such talent is UNBELIEVEABLE!

Audrey helping Mikayla find eggs.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


HAPPY EASTER to all of my family and friends who take the time to read my blog. I want to tell all who visit this blog that I appreciate their kind words of love and support. If you are reading my blog (my sisters, etc.) please do leave me a message so I know you care and are interested in me and my family. This photo was taken today when Heather wanted to get out of the house for a few minutes and we went to the grocery store. The Easter Bunny was there waiting to see Ayana and baby Kingston. Fun!


Moses and Cash enjoying some warm Easter Sunshine and the grandkid's new table and chairs. They had to be the first to try it out. I think they liked it!


While the girls and I worked on Easter preparations, Aaron enjoyed picking on Lydia. He loves all of his nieces and nephews, but enjoys picking on Lydia the most. I guess because she screams the loudest! I think that he misses his daughter Trynity....


Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Photo of Kingston..

I swear that Kingston gets cuter every day and since he is only two and one half days old, I can only imagine how handsome he will be in a month. Here he is at home in his own bed and dreaming of angels. I love new babies. I guess that is why I had six of them.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Griffin Men

Kelly and Zach went up to the hospital to see the baby today and Kelly was kind enough to e-mail me this wonderful photo of Jesse and his little men; Zeke and Kingston. Thank you Kelly for the great photo. I appreciate it!

Twenty Four Hours Old!

Baby Kingston is now 24 hours old. He has been sleeping all day, however, he did open his eyes long enough for us to get his photo.


Heather arrived at the Hospital early this morning. I made several trips to the Gift Shot purchasing little "critters" for the baby. Heather didn't break the news to me about the name she had chosen until much later in the day. She was probably afraid I wouldn't like it. She looks pretty here! All smiles!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Smiles turned to tears as the day progressed. This photo was taken right after receiving the epidural. (not sure of the spelling)

The Miracle of Birth

Happy to say that the baby arrived safely, thanks to Dr. Jason Johnson; and mother and baby are doing great.

A new Member of the Family.


Welcome and Happy Birthday to KINGSTON ZACHARY Griffin. Heather delivered her little baby boy today. I spent the day at the hospital, taking photos and texting family and friends that couldn't be present at the hospital. KINGSTON weighed in at 5 lbs. 12 oz. (I won that bet) and is so darn cute. Check out the photos!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Today my beautiful grandaughter Mikayla (Audrey's little girl) turned 8. We had a party for her at my house. I have enclosed some photos of the fun we had today. It is always so great when my family celebrates...and most of you know... we will find any reason to celebrate, but today was a special celebration for our little Mikayla Lynn Mann.

Audrey and Mikayla waiting for the party to begin. Aaron giving Mikayla her birthday spanks (no one was harmed in the making of this photo; it was staged).

Opening Presents...

Mikayla opening some of her presents. The only thing missing was Aunt LuLu...but she sent presents.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Playing with Doll Wigs

Mikayla brought her Bear to the Party, along with his red wig and ofcourse, we had to put it on the two little boys. Simon totally does not even look like himself and what can I say about Zeke. The photo was taken at the restaurant right before the party.

Horseback Rides for the kids....

A very preganat Heather giving Zeke a horseback ride. (3 days from delivery..note the tummy) Hey, it's cheap entertainment.Adrienne giving little Lydia a ride. Our shy little Lydia!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Zeke Can Only Be the BABY for 4 More Days

Today I went with Heather to the Heart Doctors up at Primary Children's Hospital for her final checkup before she has her scheduled induction this coming Tuesday. Zeke went along with us. I have been coming to this Hospital for Heart Checkups with Heather for the past 30 years. It is always a long, long, long... appointment. Today was no exception! Four Hours Long! I had to find ways to keep Zeke entertained while Heather had EKG's, Ultra Sounds, Stethoscopes, etc., etc., etc... . Zeke and I made three trips to the Hospital Gift Shop. (count the cars in the photo) With every visit we purchased another car. Actually, we made four trips...the photo was taken after trip number 3, and before trip number 4. I was glad the appointment only took four hours... because the gift shop was running out of makes and models of vehicles for sale. He kept me pretty busy! I was really tired when we finally left. Heather asked it I wanted to stop for lunch, and I said "Just take me home, I need a nap." But anyway... isn't he so handsome!

My Two "Little" Grandsons

I actually have three handsome grandsons. My two little ones are close in age. Simon Oliver is our little blondie, and Zeke with the dark hair. I hope they will be good friends. They are both my cute baby boys..
I will have to post a current photo of my handsome grandson Connor;now 14.